Following my post on G-boxx, I saw a gearbox prototype from Hayes showed in Interbike. It is made from a road bike cassette and a very simple derailler that push a pulley across the cassette. The design is good because it is simple stupid, much more simpler than a Rohloff hub. The good part is than standard parts are used here, simplifing replacement, which is a good departure form the geared hub gearboxes. However, this design puts a lot of load on the small chain, leading perhaps to breakage and wear. An overdesigned chain would be welcome here. The compangy said it is open for builders wanting to add the gearbox to their bikes. It is not probable than this design would be light enought for XC bikes, but it might be good for DH ones. The benefits are that
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It's probably only putting about 3-7% more stress on the little chain... increasing length of chain does not decrease stress felt per link, but decreasing it does slightly decrease the number of teeth per sprocket that are engaged.
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